Ok, I love our new hood but there are some drawbacks. Yes we are farther out of the city (but still in SF!) and yes parking is a drag, but for the most part is nice and quiet and our place rocks (photos to come soon, I promise!). But tonight I found out one thing about our neighborhood I don't like - no trick or treaters! I even set out the carved and lit up pumpkin, put up a cute trick or treat sign and opened all the windows so it looked like someone was home. Nothing. Growing up in OKC, the streets were always littered with kids on Halloween. I mean packs of us, eyeballing one another for who had the best costume and the most candy. But in the Richmond district of SF - crickets. Oh well. It didn't damper my Halloween spirit. So instead of griping about the bags of candy we are left with (Dave's co-workers will be happy), I will share some cute Halloween crafts I've been working on the past coupe of days. First there are the chalkboard pumpkins. I bought some chalkboard paint a few months back to make some storage canisters for the kitchen and man, I love this stuff! I have been chalk-boarding everything. I think Dave is going to ban it from the house soon. I found the idea here. Very simple to make and so fun to be able to change them up when you want something new. :)
And I found these darling ghostly gourds here.

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