Friday, November 11, 2011


Ok, so maybe this isn't the most practical kitchen tool, but come on! Who doesn't want a mini donut maker!?!?!?  A bunch of my fav foodie blogs are raving about homemade donuts and I was feeling a bit left out.  So, I treated myself to a post-birthday gift and found this one at Target.  And I have to say, it might just be the best $20 I have ever spent. Now most people would immediately venture into chocolate donut land, but not me. Much to Dave's despair, I had to go veggie.  Veggie and flax seed to be exact. This recipe just sounded very intriguing (you can find it here) and I am a total sucker for veggie baked goods (did someone say carrot cake?).  So here it first attempt at homemade zucchini donuts. I have been muching on them all week with a good slab of vanilla bean curd. Yum.  And stay tuned for more of these - next on my list are some more festive holiday versions.  :)

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